Your Shopping Experience
- Much Worse
- Worse
- About the Same
- Better
- Much Better
Compared to your shopping experiences on other websites, how does the Noblag website compare?
- This is my first visit to Noblag
- I am a returning visitor
- I just made my first purchase on Noblag
- I am a returning customer
Which of the following best describes you?
- I knew exactly what I wanted to purchase (SKU, model or item name)
- I had a good idea what I wanted to buy (brand, style, etc)
- I was shopping to buy in a general category (sandals, sweatshirts, etc)
- I was doing research before deciding to buy in a general category (sandals, skirts, etc)
- I was browsing in a favorite category (shoes, housewares, etc)
- I just was browsing the site
- I came to the site for non-shopping reasons
Which of these terms best describes the primary reason for your visit to the website today?
- Very Displeased
- Displeased
- Neutral
- Pleased
- Very Pleased
- NA
How would you rate your experience with the following features and functions on the Noblag website?
Shopping cart
Finding a specific product
Browsing to find products (not using search)
Checking out
Ease of use overall
Managing your account
Finding products in general
Using a gift certificate or gift card
Returning merchandise process
Using My Favorites
- Yes, please email me at
- No thank you
If you have any suggestions or ideas to improve the Noblag website, please provide them here:
Would you be interested in participating in future research opportunities with Noblag?
- Male
- Female
- Prefer not to disclose
What is your gender?
- 18-24
- 25-34
- 35-44
- 45-54
- 55-64
- 65-74
- Prefer not to disclose